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Thursday, 30 July 2009


Take day old bread, cut into cubes and place on a lightly oiled baking tray. Place into a pre-heated oven at 150c/275-300f/gas mark 1-2 for 25-30 minutes, turn croutons after 15 minutes to ensure even cooking. These are the absolute basic of croutons and will need seasoning and additions of other flavours such as oil or herbs. Use for salads or soups. Croutons can be frozen or stored for a couple of days in an airtight container.


True Religion Jeans said...

I will try this..

ben coolen said...

These are very basic, but worth a go just remember to season and add flavour. The olive oil croutons are great and worth a try! Thanks for the reply.

sim only plans said...

good to see again

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