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Tuesday, 12 August 2008


The key to excellent yorkshire puddings, is heat. You need a very hot oven.

Eggs are an essiential ingredient, but a lot of recipes call for only one egg. I have used up to six eggs with this recipe , with really good results, i now find three large eggs to be more than sufficent. This recipe will see your yorkshire puddings rise to new heights.

Suitable for vegetarians if using vegatable oil.

Note; Measuring in cups, from your cupboard, use the same size(standard mug is good) for liquid and flour.

1 cup of plain flour

1 cup of milk

3 large eggs(preferably organic)

Beef dripping or vegatable oil

A pinch of salt

You will need to make your batter at least an hour in advance, i often leave the batter for longer so that a good whisk from time to time , will allow the incorporation of air.
You will need a mixing bowl of sufficent size to allow all of the ingredients to be mixed without spillage. Place a sieve over the top of your bowl, and pass the flour through the sieve and add your pinch of salt.
Slowly incorporate your milk until you achieve a batter with a smooth consistency, add the eggs one at a time, until you achieve a lump free batter. The batter should be the consistency of double cream, if your batter is to thick add tepid water until you have the correct consistency.
Allow to rest for 1 hour minimum.

Heat is the key to good puddings, so pre-heat the oven on maximum. Once a good heat has built up, you will be ready to place your yorkshire tray into the oven, when the oil is smoking hot and only when smoking hot, you are ready to pour your batter.
This is the tricky part, you need to maintain the tempature of the oven, so pour the batter into a jug, that is easy to pour from, and keep at the ready.
Take out yout tray, only when the oil is smoking, shut the oven door to maintain oven tempature, and quickly pour your batter into each hollow so that it is level with the top of the tray. Open the door and place on an oven shelf above halfway. Only keep the door open for the shortest possible time.
These will take 20-25 minutes depending on your oven. For the first 5 minutes leave the oven tempature as it is, then turn down to 200c/400f/gas 6, for the remaining cooking time.

Note; Opening and shutting of the of the oven door during cooking, will cause the loss of heat, resulting in the puddings losing height and volume.


rich (them apples) said...

Yorkshire puddings were something of a childhood obsession for me, and I'm ashamed to say that I haven't made them for years, despite living right in the middle of Yorkshire.

My mum made the best Yorkshire puddings ever, and I can't emulate them because i didn't inherit the brown seventies style cup without a handle that held exactly the right amount of flour. my sister stole that, and in our family, making a Yorkshire pudding without that exact cup is simply impossible.

ben coolen said...

With you being a yorkshire man i will not argue! I think cups are definatley the way to measure!

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