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Thursday, 22 January 2009


Given a french name this still oozes Britain, British to the core me old son!
I can not really think of many dishes or preparations from the sweet world that i absolutely adore, but a well made custard has to be there right at the top, combine this with a treacle tart or lovely homemade crumble and you experience the kind of sensation that chocolate lovers so fondly describe- heaven!

The recipe;
For roughly 1 pint of custard,

300 ml whole milk
300 ml double cream
6 eggs yolks
1 vanilla pod
50g vanilla sugar

The method;
Cut the vanilla pod length ways and remove the seeds with the tip of a small knife(flattening the pod first with the back of a knife will loosen the seeds).
Add the milk,cream and vanilla(seeds and pod)to a decent saucepan and bring to the boil!
Mean while separate the eggs and whisk with 50g vanilla sugar to a creamy texture has been achieved and a slight change of colour(2 Min's).
As the liquid comes to the boil pour half onto the eggs and sugar and whisk then add the other half and whisk again.
Return this to the pan on a very low heat. Continue to stir until the custard thickens, but be very careful of the temperature as the eggs are liable to curdle!!!!!!!
As soon as the custard coats the back of a wooden spoon and leaves an impression, if a clean finger is drawn through - the custard is ready.
Strain through a sieve into a clean bowl, allow to cool and refrigerate. Once chilled enjoy!

Plain caster sugar can be used and will give an exceptional custard, adding vanilla sugar is my own twist on a great classic. This custard can be made successfully with 5 eggs, and quantities can be doubled.
Once the custard has been sieved you can discard the vanilla pod but better still, dry with a kitchen towel and add to a pot of caster sugar.

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I seem to be a jack of all trades and a master of none!